Monday, August 22, 2011

First Class Planning Meeting TOMORROW!!!

The planning meeting for the LIGHT First Class Eugene Co-op will be held on:
Day: Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Time: 7pm
Place: Garden Way Church, 231 North Garden Way - Eugene, OR 97401

Fees for this coop are as follows:
$25 per family per year to become a national member of First Class Ministries.
$25 per family per year to LIGHT to run the coop - this fee covers LIGHT membership also.
Each class has a small cost of $4 per term in addition to any material fees for classes that have them. Some classes have a required text.

If you are interested in participating in this coop, please come to the meeting with ideas of classes you'd like to see taught, and with ideas of classes you are willing to teach. Not everyone must teach but teachers do get to register their children in classes first so there is a benefit to teaching, particularly if classes fill up. We will be scheduling a teacher orientation meeting at a later date. This is when the teachers will be able to walk through the classrooms and suggest the ones they feel would work best for their class. We will not be touring the facility at the planning meeting. If you will be bringing any of your children to the meeting, please plan quiet activities to occupy them during the discussion as there will not be childcare. However, we prefer this to be a parent meeting only.

I am pleased to announce that the Director of Happy Valley First Class in Portland, Michelle Law, as well as their Field Trip Coordinator, Jennifer Keikkala will be coming down to help us run this meeting. I'm sure you'll all enjoy them, they are both very fun people with a lot of energy and enthusiasm to share with us about First Class. You will also have an opportunity to meet Norm Fox, the Education Minister at Garden Way Church. Please be sure to thank him for the church's willingness to host our co-op.

If you have not checked out the class schedule yet, please do so before the meeting (see post below for a link to the document). If you still have basic questions about First Class and how the co-op will be run, please come a little early to the meeting to get that information. So, invite your friends and come to the meeting. It would be helpful to have an idea of who is coming, so if you have a chance, please email with a quick, "I'll be there." If you're interested in participating but can't make it, I need to know that too. Light refreshments will be served.

Hope to see you there!!

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