Monday, September 8, 2014

2014-2015 Class Schedule

Room #
Block A
9:30 – 10:25 a.m.
         Block B  
10:30 – 11:25 a.m.
Snack  11:25 – 11:35
          Block C
11:40 – 12:35
1 – Nursery
Study Hall 
Study Hall
Study Hall
2 - Littles
Littles  2-3
Experiencing the Littles  12+
(Stephannie R.)
Littles 2-3
Experiencing the Littles 12+
(Stephannie R.)
Littles  2's
3 - Preschool
Preschool  4-5
Preschool   4-5
 Reconciling the Bible to Science 12+
(Brian )
4 - Art
Cont'd Painting   9-11 12+
 Crafts  6-8
Mini Books  6-8 9
Apologia General Science  12+
Chemistry  9-11

Wonder & Surprise 10-11 12+

The Truth Project  12+ & adults
(Wes Wright) BLOCK A
Lives/ Composers  8 9-11 12+
(Vanessa )
History w/ American Girls 6-8 9-11
(Beth )
Lotions and Potions 9-11 12+
Cardmaking-3D crafts  11 12+
Watercolor Painting  12+
(Tim/Jennie K.)
Gym – P.E.
P.E.  6–8 9-10
P.E.  10-11 12+
Preschool P.E.  3-5
Experiencing the Littles  12+
(Stephanie )

Bible Heroes  6-8 
Games  & Lego's  6-8  9-11 12+
Backyard Games  6-8  9-11
Spanish for Kids  6-8  9-11
(Stephanie )
Photography/Yearbook  12+
(Alisha )
Babysitting 101  11 12+
That's Some Body! 8 9-11
Historical Fictional Book Reports
6-8 9-11 12+
Irish Step  6-8  9-11 12+
27 (H.S.)
Latin or Greek   12+
College Prep Writing  12+