Monday, September 8, 2014

2014-2015 Class Schedule

Room #
Block A
9:30 – 10:25 a.m.
         Block B  
10:30 – 11:25 a.m.
Snack  11:25 – 11:35
          Block C
11:40 – 12:35
1 – Nursery
Study Hall 
Study Hall
Study Hall
2 - Littles
Littles  2-3
Experiencing the Littles  12+
(Stephannie R.)
Littles 2-3
Experiencing the Littles 12+
(Stephannie R.)
Littles  2's
3 - Preschool
Preschool  4-5
Preschool   4-5
 Reconciling the Bible to Science 12+
(Brian )
4 - Art
Cont'd Painting   9-11 12+
 Crafts  6-8
Mini Books  6-8 9
Apologia General Science  12+
Chemistry  9-11

Wonder & Surprise 10-11 12+

The Truth Project  12+ & adults
(Wes Wright) BLOCK A
Lives/ Composers  8 9-11 12+
(Vanessa )
History w/ American Girls 6-8 9-11
(Beth )
Lotions and Potions 9-11 12+
Cardmaking-3D crafts  11 12+
Watercolor Painting  12+
(Tim/Jennie K.)
Gym – P.E.
P.E.  6–8 9-10
P.E.  10-11 12+
Preschool P.E.  3-5
Experiencing the Littles  12+
(Stephanie )

Bible Heroes  6-8 
Games  & Lego's  6-8  9-11 12+
Backyard Games  6-8  9-11
Spanish for Kids  6-8  9-11
(Stephanie )
Photography/Yearbook  12+
(Alisha )
Babysitting 101  11 12+
That's Some Body! 8 9-11
Historical Fictional Book Reports
6-8 9-11 12+
Irish Step  6-8  9-11 12+
27 (H.S.)
Latin or Greek   12+
College Prep Writing  12+

Thursday, August 28, 2014

ECHC 2014-2015 year

Alas, 'tis that time of year.  The summer is be winding down and soon we'll be hitting the books once again.  This year, ECHC has adjusted the year-long schedule of our co-op days quite a bit.  We will have classes approximately twice a month, and the same set of classes will be taken throughout the year.  Many of the families were expressing their desire to slow down the class schedule and reduce their level of activities outside the home, so this was our way of helping co-op work for many of the families.

Soon the class schedule will be sent out to the co-op members and posted to this blog, and we will register for classes.  The specific dates for co-op will be posted shortly as well.  We are fine tuning it, but as of now we are set to begin on September 26th.  There will be a mandatory orientation meeting (even if you've heard it all before) - date and time TBA.

If you have any questions, or are interested in joining, please email us at 

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Not-Back-To-School Day at SPLASH!

ECHC has reserved the pool at SPLASH! from 12:00 - 1:00 on Tuesday, Spetember 2nd for the annual Not-Back-To-School Day!  The cost is $3.00 and is for all homeschoolers.  This fee allows you to stay until 5:00 during the open swim time at no extra charge.  Please bring CASH

Come enjoy the fellowship and celebrate not going back to school!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Book Sale

Well, it's about that time of year to think of selling used curriculum and getting a jump start on next year's curriculum.  ECHC is continuing the former LIGHT Book Sale at the Garden Way Church gym on June 13th from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.  If you are interested in selling your used curriculum, please email us at   

Presentation Night

Come join us on Friday, May 2nd from 6 - 9 p.m. for Presentation Night.  We will be showing what we've been working on throughout the term, by performing up on stage or displaying our projects on tables in the gym.  Snacks and desserts (some gluten-free) will be provided afterwards. 


ECHC is hosting it's first Science Fair on Friday, May 30th from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.  We are grateful that Garden Way Church is gracious enough to allow us to use their gym for the event.  We have welcomed area Christian homeschoolers to join us in showing their science presentations, as well.  If you are interested in having your children participate, please email us at  Please drop by to see our projects!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Preparing for Fall Term

We are enjoying another great term of interesting classes, new friendships and support for homeschooling families.  Now is the time when we begin to prepare for Fall Term classes. (Yes, this soon.)  We have found out that if we get our classes set up before summer-time, we are much more prepared for next term and we can enjoy our summer break a bit more.   So, those families that are truly interested in joining co-op next term are welcome of let us know of classes they are willing to offer.  Please send us an email, introduce yourselves, and give us your thoughts.  We'd love to get to know you.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Membership is closed for Spring Term, 2014.  Please try to catch us in the fall if you weren't able to join us this term.

We will register for classes starting Tuesday, February 4th.  Members will receive their registration form by email on Tuesday morning.  Please submit your registration form no later than Sunday, February 9th at 2:00 p.m. so that we can process the information and the teachers will know how many students are in their classes.

Spring Term will run from February 21st - May 2nd.  We will not have co-op on March 28th for Spring Break.

Click here for the Spring Term, 2014 Class Schedule.

Looking forward to a great term!